Heesuk KIM 사진
Heesuk KIM
Research Fellow



- Ph.D. Anthropology, Jeonbuk National University, Korea. 
- M.A.  Anthropology, Jeonbuk National University, Korea.
- B.A. Physics, Jeonbuk National University, Korea.

Professional Appointments 

- Research Fellow, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Jeonbuk National University, Korea. December 2019 - current.

- HK Research Professor, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea. - June 2017 - August 2019.

- Lecturer, AnthropologyJeonbuk National University, Korea 2013 - current.


- 2022. "A Study on the Dynamics of 'State-Society' Relations and Healthcare in Myanmar: Focusing on the Implications of the Civil Disobedience Movement." The Korean Journal of Area Studies 40(2).

- 2020. "Crisis and Opportunities: Characteristics of Myanmar's COVID-19 Response Strategy and Its Political Implications." The Southeast Asian Review 30(4).

- 2020. "Southeast Asia against COVID-19: Evaluation and Implications of the Early Responses." The Journal of Asian Studies 23(2). Co-work with Je Seong Jeon.

- 2020. "Changes in International Relations after the Rohingya Crisis and Political Processes Toward General Election." The Southeast Asian Review 30(2).

- 2020. "Singapore's Two-Track COVID-19 Containment Strategy and Its Implications." East Asian Studies 39(2). Co-work with Youngran Yang.

- 2019. "Partner Discourse and Two-Sided Perceptions of Locals in the Korean Community of Myanmar." The Southeast Asian Review  29(4).

- 2019. "An Analysis of Southeast Asian Discourse in Korean Media Using Text-Mining Method." The Southeast Asian Review 29(3).

Current Research interests

- Health and living conditions of Myanmar refugees and migrant workers in Thailand.

- Political and social  impacts of  the 2021 coup in Myanmar.